As an infant you were so cute, passed around from woman to woman with a lot of “he’s so cute” comments. You could cry and get whatever you wanted. As a kid your parents may have told you how wonderful, special or loved you were. They took you to baseball, football and soccer practice and put up with all of your annoying behavior. There was also lots of “do what you are told”, “how many times have I told you not to do that?” and “wait until your daddy gets home”. As a teenager you were still young and everyone wanted to give you advice to help you, tutor you and tell you what is possible in your future. You are a little dangerous now and would hear things like “don’t make me come looking for you”, “this is your last chance” and “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with that kid”. Even when you screwed up adults would sometimes overlook your mistakes because of your age.
March 5, 2025
Nobody Needs You