LaSalle Parish’s two media sources, The Jena Times Olla-Tullos-Urania Signal newspaper and KJNA 102.7 Radio once again bring the public their unique scavenger hunt with next week’s issue, September 11.
The contest will feature four icons hidden throughout the September 11 issue of the newspaper and readers must find all four of the icons, call the radio station between 7-9 a.m. on THURSDAY, September 12, and report exactly where the icons are found inside the paper. (The icons to be hidden next week appear in an ad in this week’s issue.)
This month, the tenth (10th) caller to provide the correct page number, article title, paragraph and icon will win a $50 gas card.
“We wanted to provide our listeners and readers with an opportunity to have some fun and win a prize that we believe everyone will appreciate,” said KJNA Radio Owner Kim Clossener. “This is our second month to conduct this type of contest and judging by last month’s inaugural hunt, it is a huge success.”
Times-Signal Editor Craig Franklin noted that the contest will be held once a month, the second issue of each month, with an advertisement in the week prior showing what icons the public will be looking for the following week.
“I’ve always loved scavenger hunts so why not provide our readers with the fun and excitement of searching the paper and perhaps coming away with a prize that everyone needs – gas money,” Franklin said. “But fair warning, some may be easy to find but others will be challenging.”
Both Clossener and Franklin noted the contest is an excellent way to involve children and youth and there is no age limit or restrictions on who may call in to claim the prize.
The event is sponsored by The Jena Times, KJNA 102.7 Radio and Speedy Mac’s of Jena, Olla and Grayson. (Employees of the newspaper, radio station, or Speedy Mac’s are prohibited from contest participation.)
The winner will be announced on the radio the day of the contest and their photo will be pictured in the following week’s newspaper edition.
For more information call (318) 316-6819. This is also the same number to call Thursday morning, September 12, to report the icon locations in the newspaper to win.
“Happy hunting!” the two media companies encouragingly said.