Sellers and vendors participating in the 2024 Sales Along 84 massive yard sale event scheduled for September 5-7 are reminded to register online to add their location to the official map.
Event founder Lavelle Evans noted that a special newspaper tabloid is being printed to be distributed along the route for visitors to use during the event and the printer has set a deadline of Friday, August 2. The special tabloid will feature a full map of the route through LaSalle and Catahoula parishes with locations of sales marked.
“If you want to be included in this special promotional tool that will be given away free during Sales Along 84 then you must be registered by August 2,” Evans said. “We really want everyone to register and not have anyone left out.”
The map will also be accessible through Facebook so shoppers can utilize it during the event on their phones.
To register, visit “Vendors Only – Sales Along 84” on Facebook. Fill out the simple application and your location will be listed.
Evans said that everyone participating in the event should be registered, including individual/ personal sales, vendor locations with multiple sellers and businesses along the route.
“We really need businesses, like those located in downtown Jena who have specialty shops that our visitors will enjoy, to register,” Evans said. “Don’t take it for granted that they will know you are there. By registering, they will know exactly where you are located and what you have to offer.”
Others who need to register include restaurants, motels, campgrounds and RV parking. The 2024 event will take place Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 5, 6 and 7, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily.
For more information about Sales Along 84, contact Evans at (318) 316-0781, Jason Holland at (318) 316-7090, or visit the Sales Along 84 Facebook page.