New officers for the Town & Country Garden Club were installed during their May meeting. Shown above, from left: Parliamentarian Donna Justiss, Historian/Yearbook Chairman Judy Baker, Treasurer Lisa McCann, Corresponding Secretary Audrey Maxwell, Recording Secretary Cynthia Bradford, Vice President Glenda Cooper, President Beth Zoller and Installing Officer Barbara Germany.
Town & Country Garden Club Notes
We met Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at Nolley Methodist Church Palmer Hall. Present were: President Donna Justiss, Judy Baker, Lisa McCann, Nelda Tarver, Jennifer Loe, Jenna Fae Justiss, Mica King, Sis Welch, Nora Martin, Audrey Maxwell, Glenda Cooper, Barbara Germany, Barbara Murphy, Martha Ann Wood, Renae Kelly and Beth Zoller.