Purchase of a bookmobile, costing $6,870.11 for the LaSalle parish library, has been approved by the parish police jury, it was announced here this week by Miss Lola Cooper, parish librarian. The machine is expected to be delivered about June 1, Miss Cooper said. Funds for the purchase of the mobile library have been accumulating since the parish voted a library tax and the Louisiana state library set up a demonstration library unit in LaSalle, October 1952. The bookmobile now in use in LaSalle Parish has been on loan from the state library in connection with the LaSalle Parish demonstration and the time is fast approaching when it must be returned to the state to be used in another parish. Under the present schedule of operation, the parish bookmobile travels some 600 to 700 miles per month to bring books to Tullos and Urania each Monday.
February 7, 2024