The Urania Town Council received the results of the town’s yearly audit report during the regular November meeting held Monday, November 6, which showed the town ended the year with a positive fund balance of $551,249.00.
CPA David Vercher was present at the meeting to provide the audit report findings. He reported that this year, the Town of Urania received an unmodified opinion, which is the best that Town can receive.
According to the General Fund, revenues totaled at $538,906.00, expenditures at $475,966.00 and transfers at $39,174.00. The fund ended the year with an operating surplus of $23,766.00 and a positive fund balance of $551,249.00.
“This was a good thing to have, for any unexpected expenses you may have had,” Vercher explained. “You also had no debt in the General Fund.”
The town also saw a surplus in the water and sewer funds, which could be used for upkeep of the system if needed.
“It did very well for the year,” Vercher said. “There was a surplus on the general fund and the utility fund. That’s what you want to see.”
Vercher also spoke on some procedures that should be in place, which includes certain policies. The Town currently does not have a complete Information Technology Disaster Recovery/ Business Continuity policy. “I have some sample policies that I can send,” Vercher explained. “You all can look at those and modify the policy to fit the needs of the Town so that it is in place should it be needed.”
Vercher also explained that the policy is just a plan for action should a hurricane or other natural disaster come through and “wipe out” technology used in regular Town operations.
The only other exceptions found were small procedures like two of five bank statements not reconciled during the two-month period and three of ten transactions did not include a written business purpose on the receipt.
“I know these seem like small things, but these are easy to fix,” Vercher stated.
Also during the meeting, the Council approved of several department reports including the police department, fire department and the police jury reports.
For the month of October, the police department wrote 67 citations and collected $15,845.84 in fines and fees.
During October, the fire department assisted Tullos with a house fire, assisted Caldwell in a forest fire and assisted Tullos with a grass fire.
Alderwoman Donna Lindsey complimented the Urania Fire Department. At a recent event, there were almost 30 volunteers. Mayor Ivy agreed that the Town has a great department, willing to work and ready to help other towns.
The Council also approved to donate a fire engine to the fire department in Crosby, Mississippi. “This is a good thing because we have been given a fire truck and a police car before,” Mayor Ivy stated. “We just want to pay it forward.”
Police Juror Tim Lasiter provided the police jury report. According to Lasiter, the work on the Pine Hill Church Road has been completed. Also, work by Floyd’s Tree Service has been requested. The company will trim low-hanging branches soon. However, they will not begin work until the town has seen some rain.
During the Mayor’s comments, Mayor Jay Ivy issued a reminder of several upcoming holiday events, including the Senior Citizen Supper on December 7, Santa in the Square on December 14 and a Christmas Lighting Contest on December 15.
Mayor Ivy also provided some positive news on the town’s air quality.
“When we had DEQ came through to do the air quality check and the results were great,” Mayor Ivy said. “They said that the Town of Urania had better air than anywhere else they had tested in the state.”