The Town and Country Garden Club met for our monthly meeting Tuesday, October 10, in Palmer Hall at Nolley Methodist Church.
Those present included President Donna Justiss, Mica King, Martha Wood, Nora Martin, Barbara Germany, Judy Baker, Audrey Maxwell, Denise Grissom, Nelda Tarver, Glenda Cooper, Beth Zoller, Lisa McCann and Cynthia Bradford.
The meeting was called to order by our president then Nelda gave the club prayer. Cynthia read the minutes from September and Lisa gave the Treasurer’s report. Nora gave the Garden Hints for the month which included informing everyone that it is time to transplant but remember to leave some flowers with drying seeds to feed the birds.
Logan Whatley gave us a demonstration on decorating cupcakes. Her business is called Logan’s Cakes. She became interested in cake decorating when she was just 14 years old and her mentor was Ann Broadwell.
She had each of us suppled with a piping bag and tip, cupcake and lots of good icing. We had fun trying out different methods of applying the icing.
Nelda showed us some cute ideas for decorations. She had a orange with celery in the top to look like a pumpkin and a chocolate cookie with a chocolate kiss on top to look like a witch’s hat.
She also reminded us of the “Tales on the Trails” to be held at the high school on Saturday, October 21 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. This is a family literacy program where stories will be read and children will receive a free book.
Some of us went to Howdy Neighbor Day and it was nice to sit on the bench that our club had helped make possible. All of the benches are a wonderful addition to the amphitheater area of the town park. We appreciate the people that made the donations and the people that did the work to install the benches.
Mica and Martha were our hostesses and our tables had lovely decorations and pretty yellow flowers. We had coffee and cranberry juice along with our cupcakes.
We thank Logan for the demonstration and our cupcakes were delicious. You can find Logan on Facebook. She makes beautifully decorated cakes, cupcakes, cookie cakes, cookies and cake sample boxes. Her phone number is (318) 992-3331.
Happy October birthday wishes to Mica, Judy and Denise.