Highlights from The Jena Times Archives
70 Years Ago September 17, 1953
During a brief period this month, September 20-26, has been set aside for “Dog Week,” in order that men may honor one of the noblest friends. The heroism, courage and intelligence of these dumb friends of man are beyond praise in adequate fashion. Their only thought is to serve their masters or friends-and they will do it at all costs-even at the rise, or giving, of their lives.
For “Dog Week,” there are seven objectives that have been established. First, a home for every dog. Second, elimination of stray dogs from the street. Third, better informed dog owners. Fourth, consideration for dogs and all animals. Fifth, emphasis of the dog’s use as companion and protector. Sixth, fair laws for dogs and dog-owners. Seventh, respect for the rights of non-dog owners. Every person is urged to consider these objectives and to do what he or she can to make a dog’s life less like “a dog’s life.”
A big revival meeting, sponsored by the Brotherhood organizations of Jena’s First, Temple, East Jena, Midway and Searcy Baptist Churches will be held under a tent at the ballpark between Midway and Goodpine September 23-October 4. Pastors of each of these five churches will alternate as evangelists. Evening services, beginning at 7 o’clock, will be held. Mission Revival equipment, tent, chairs, etc., for the meeting will be supplied by District 1 of the Louisiana Baptist Convention.
60 Years Ago September 19, 1963
The Mount Sinai Baptist church will hold a community singing Saturday night, September 21 at 7:15 p.m. There will be several special numbers along with a lot of good singing by everyone. Clayton Turnley, president, announced that everyone is invited to attend and take part in this spiritual song fest.
It’s roundup time in the Attakapas Council of the Boy Scouts of America and Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Explorer units in LaSalle district will join in an effort to increase membership in Scouting. Each unit will set a goal for membership between now and December 15. The units reaching their goal will receive and Honor Unit banner. Leaders of these units will also receive a certificate of recognition. In addition, Scouts who recruit a new member will receive an attractive multi-color roundup patch award.
The week of September 30 through October 6, revival services will be held at the Prosperity Baptist Church at Walters, it has been announced by Mrs. Janie Huffman, secretary. The Rev. M.R. Nash will be evangelist and the Rev. Henry Myers will be song director at the services which will begin at 7:30 p.m. each night. At the close of the revival week, Oct. 6, homecoming services will be held and two deacons will be ordained that evening.
50 Years Ago September 13, 1973
The LaSalle Parish Arthritis Volunteer Action Committee will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, September 28m 1973 at 7:00 p.m. in the Eddy Justiss Memorial Methodist Church in Trout. “We will have an election of officers. Also of great importance is the Victory March scheduled for October 2, 1973. We are calling for volunteers to join in the fight to stop arthritis. Volunteers are what holds our organization together. Without their dedicated efforts, we would not have been able to take the first step forward in the battle against America’s number one crippling disease,” states Mrs. R.D. Grissom.
The Good Pine Middle School 5th Grade 4-H Club met on Thursday, September 6, 1973. Officers for this school year were elected. Those officers elected were Chuck Sleeth, President; Sheila McDowell Vice President; Debra Ainsworth, Secretary; Susan Garner, Treasurer; Karen Barron, Reporter; and Jeannie Ray and Howard Tadlock, Executive Council Members.
The public is invited to attend Youth Services at the Whitehall United Pentecostal Church Friday, September 14th at 7:30 p.m. This service is very helpful to us in learning more about the Bible and preparing us for the coming of the Lord.
40 Years Ago September 14, 1983
Wayne Hamilton of Rhinehart has officially announced his candidacy for the office of Constable from District 5, which includes the Wards of 9 and 10. He issued the following statement to voters of the new district: “I am the Wayne Hamilton from Rhinehart, not the one from the Nebo community. I haul logs and pulpwood for a living. I ran in the last election and did pretty good, I think. I want the thank everyone for your vote and support last time and am looking forward to seeing you and our new friends in Ward 10, once again. Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated.”
Enrollment in LaSalle Parish schools has increased for the third consecutive year, reaching a total of 3,362 recorded for the opening of the 1983-84 school year. The census increased by 80 students from the 1982’s total of 3,282. The parish had a total of 3,169 students in 1981. Last year’s increase was attributed to enlarged enrollment in kindergarten and the small graduating classes from both high schools in 1981.
Registrar of Voters J.S. Allen has announced that his office will be open all day this Saturday to register voters for the upcoming Oct. 22 primary election. Next Wednesday, September 21, is the last day citizens may register and be eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Allen said his office, which is usually open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., will remain open until 5 p.m. on the last day of registration. He urged all those who have not yet registered, to do so by next Wednesday.
25 Years Ago September 16, 1998
The drought of 1998 has ended according to officials after nearly eight inches of rain fell in the parish and surrounding area during the past weekend. Starting on Friday, a slow rain fell at first, with the ground soaking up every drop. Later, heavy rains fell which helped to fill up ponds, creeks and other water pools. In Jena, a total of 7.90 inches of rain was recorded in the three-day period and reports existed that totals up to 10 to 12 inches fell in other areas of the parish.
After 5.70 inches of rain in August, the drought was declared as being officially over. From the middle of April to the first of August, less than five inches of rain fell in the area during the fourth month period causing one of the worst droughts of recent memory.
The number of voters in LaSalle Parish is up by 282 since the fall election four years ago when school board members and town officials were last up for election. Figures released by Registrar of Voters Connie Huett shows the total number of voters eligible to vote in the upcoming October 3rd primary in LaSalle is 9,413, compared to 9,131 voters four years ago.
10 Years Ago September 18, 2013
The Veterans Honor Guard stand at attention after raising the American flag, while students from Temple Christian Academy and several youth members of WOW Lodge 1145 of Jena leads in saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag during the “In Honor and Remembrance” program held at the LaSalle Parish Courthouse on Patriot Day, last Wednesday. Local Woodmen of the World Lodge 1145 has sponsored the program each year since Sept. 11, 2001, to honor the heroes and victims of 9-11.
The program also paid tribute to members of the military, along with extending unending gratitude to those who safeguard local communitiesfirefighters, police officers, emergency and medical technicians, and other first responders-who put their lives on the line each day for the safety of local citizens.
Urania Town Council member and Fire Department Representative Stacie Strain announced at the Council’s September meeting held on Monday night of last week that the town’s property insurance evaluation was successful with the result of moving down from a property fire insurance rating of six to five. After the detailed evaluation of the fire hydrants, department equipment and paperwork, Strain said the town proved in compliance and the new rating will go into effect on October 7, allowing homeowner’s insurance to decrease for those within town limits.