Getting married usually means having kids, and then you must raise them. A task not easily accomplished and since I was gone a lot, working this difficult task was always left to my wife. Unfortunately, children do not come with an instruction manual, so I relied on my wife to make many of these decisions. There were good days and bad days with some “you are going to have to do something with these kids” and “just wait until your daddy gets home.” Hey, they are just two little boys, what is so difficult about watching them? That is what women do, right? After a few deep sometimes fiery discussions, my wife explained that this was a never-ending job and my kids were a real handful. Sometimes two handfuls. I still just did not understand the problem. So, one day she had plans to spend the entire day with her mother out of town and left me to watch the kids all day. Piece of cake.
Trading Days
August 1, 2023
A Piece of Cake