Like you and everyone else we know, we are all consumers. I buy a hamburger; I am going to eat that hamburger. No one forced me to buy it. I bought it because I wanted it. If I buy myself clothes, I plan to wear those clothes. If I buy a pony, I will ride that pony. Yet insurance is not like other things you purchase. You are actually forced to buy insurance either from your lender or by the state, and you seldom, if ever, receive anything for it. Many elaborate steps are tak‑en by lenders and state agencies to make sure this insurance is in effect at all times. This is non-negotiable. Yet illegal uninsured drivers are allowed to drive and even sue drivers in the in‑surance pool. As soon as a car or house is paid off, the insurance is usually cancelled. Most of the houses in LaSalle Parish without a mortgage have no insurance policies. Most of these home‑owners received little to no benefits from a thir‑ty year policy and homeowner’s insurance rates are soaring.
Trading Days
July 25, 2023
Insurance Isn’t Working