Treasurer John M. Schroder has announced assurances to the citizens of Louisiana that documents and data housed within the Department of Treasury are secure and that the state’s finances are safe, despite a cybersecurity breach in another state agency.
“Treasury’s data is secure and uncompromised,” Schroder said. “There have been no violations to Treasury data associated with the other statewide breach. I want to alleviate the fears of those who’ve contacted our offices, worried about their information and the state’s bank accounts.”
Upon learning of the cyberattack to another state system last Thursday afternoon, Treasury immediately enacted its protocols to test protection safeguards and verify its accounts remained unmolested and intact. As the agency contracted with the financial institutions holding the state’s dollars, it is imperative Treasury be prepared to secure the state’s financial holdings in order to ensure there is adequate liquidity so the state can continue to make timely payments, if needed.
“Treasury is charged with serving as steward of the state’s finances,” Schroder added. “Serving as guardian of the citizen’s finances is a role I take very seriously.”
He added that Treasury’s standard defense posture includes proactive daily reviews of security guards and network systems. The department also invests in and implements emerging technologies to safely protect its data for the citi-zens of Louisiana.
According to media reports, officials stated that cyberattackers breached the Office of Motor Vehicles’ MOVEit software platform, which is one of the vendors for the OMV. About 6 million records were compromised in Louisiana. The global hack also hit Oregon’s drivers’ license data, in addition to compromising information at Shell, the U.S. Department of Energy and other businesses, universities and agencies.
The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) encourages citizens to go to nextsteps. for steps to take in the wake of the breach.