During the Thanksgiving break, over 115 Scouts and Webelos along with 25 volunteers from across the Louisiana Purchase Council attended Winter Camp 2022 at Camp Attakapas in Trout. The Louisiana Purchase Council encompasses 20 parishes across North and Central Louisiana and troops from Mansura to Ruston were represented. Over the course of four nights and four days, the Scouts endured brisk temperatures as they completed work in merit badge classes as varied as camping, citizenship, fingerprinting, geology, emergency response, first aid, personal fitness, rifles, robotics, shotguns and more. They also competed in Dutch oven cook-offs and campsite inspections while those brave enough to take a swim in Lake Ernie Story (Searcy Lake) were rewarded with the Polar Bear Plunge award and a cup of hot chocolate.
December 13, 2022
Boy Scouts attend annual winter camp in Trout